Blogroll Update

I just added three months worth of submissions to the blogroll. No, I’m not going to list all the links. I’ll try to keep up, but this is a fairly daunting task. Currently the roll includes 198 entries.

I do want to get to linking to specific content from the blogs via this site … don’t hold your breath, but I can always hope!

Blogroll Updated

After a considerable period of time, I have brought the blogroll up to date with all submissions thus far. If you don’t find your site in the blogroll and you submitted it, comment on this post and I’ll look into it.

To check for your site in the roll, follow this link.

The Blogroll is Still Alive!

Recent appearances to the contrary, the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator are still active.  I have been extremely busy with my business at Energion Publications, and so have gotten behind.  I’m in the process of updating the backlog of new members and also deleting some inactive blogs.  I’m about 1/3 of the way through that process.

I’ll post a notice here when I have added all the new blogs and updated the list.

Please note that I will no longer be maintaining the Blogrolling version of the list.  You can find all the ways to link and get RSS feeds at or on this blog.

New Blogroll Members and Blogrolling Problem

First, apparently Blogrolling has been having troubles for some time so that rolls cannot be updated.  They expect to have this fixed soon.  I didn’t notice because I was so far behind in updating the roll.

Second, I have just updated the roll with submissions going all the way back to October last year, so if you have been waiting forever and ever, you may find yourself on the roll now.

The blogrolling blogrolls (sounds good, no?) still work, but I can’t add the new members yet.  The other means of including the blogroll on your site still work, including:

Display all sites in random order: (The default is to display site names and do so in random order.)

Display sites with most recently updated first: (order can also = alpha, but that is not particularly useful as there are more than 50 sites on the blogroll.)

Limit the number of posts (maximum and default are both 50):

List posts rather than sites:

In addition, you can subscribe to the RSS feed from my Google Reader Moderate Christian Blogroll folder.  I’m not at all sure why you would prefer to do it that way, but you can.

Blogs Added

I have added a number of new blogs to the roll.  If you have e-mailed me or filled out the form and have not been added, there are two possible reasons:

  1. I didn’t get the e-mail or somehow missed/deleted it
  2. Your blog did not appear to meet the standards.

It’s easy for me to miss something on a blog that doesn’t relate to religion, so if your blog is not on the roll, e-mail me again.  I’m looking for an explicity statement that the blog is Christian and also some sort of evidence that it supports moderation in one form or another.

The point is not to be exclusive, but rather to keep all the blogs on this roll on one theme.  There are many blogs that I read regularly and enjoy that would not qualify.

Here are the blogs I have just added:

I will try to get back to a few “four posts” entries in the near future!

Posts RSS Feed Down on the Blogroll

The RSS feed for posts was down overnight due to a stupid error I made in coding an upgrade.  It’s fixed now.

The upgrade will allow me to exclude feeds individually from either the blogroll or the aggregator at your request.  Right now nobody is excluded, and I don’t plan to exclude anyone unless they would prefer not to be included in one or the other.

Since the Aggregator ( includes post summaries, some people might prefer not to have their content included.  Also, in the near future the same upgrade will allow me to tag posts by category (politics, religion, etc.) and topic (Bible, doctrine, U.S., whatever), with tabs on the aggregator allowing users to review incoming posts in that way.  I would probably include at least one or google ad block to help me pay for all this, and I want to offer people the option of being in the blogroll but not in that topical listing.

I think such a list should help make the aggregator more useful, however, so while I’m making the option available, I’m hoping most people will choose to stick with it.  Note that I never include the whole post, unless the whole post and summary are identical, as shown in your RSS feed.