First, apparently Blogrolling has been having troubles for some time so that rolls cannot be updated. They expect to have this fixed soon. I didn’t notice because I was so far behind in updating the roll.
Second, I have just updated the roll with submissions going all the way back to October last year, so if you have been waiting forever and ever, you may find yourself on the roll now.
The blogrolling blogrolls (sounds good, no?) still work, but I can’t add the new members yet. The other means of including the blogroll on your site still work, including:
Display all sites in random order: (The default is to display site names and do so in random order.)
Display sites with most recently updated first: (order can also = alpha, but that is not particularly useful as there are more than 50 sites on the blogroll.)
Limit the number of posts (maximum and default are both 50):
List posts rather than sites:
In addition, you can subscribe to the RSS feed from my Google Reader Moderate Christian Blogroll folder. I’m not at all sure why you would prefer to do it that way, but you can.
Pingback: The Blogroll is Still Alive! « Moderate Christian Blogroll
Hi! I’d like to add our site, to your blogroll! Do you still add new members?
Yes, I do still add new members, but I’m a couple of months behind at least. I’ll try to get the list updated within the next 10 days or so.