New Sites Added to Blogroll
I’ve just added three new sites to the blogroll:
I’ve just added three new sites to the blogroll:
… thus putting me even further behind. I truly am trying to highlight some posts here from the various new blogs, but I haven’t been keeping up. In the meantime, here they are: Living with “God Vision” if i were a bell, i’d ring Seeking After Adventures in Revland Let me add a reminder that…
We’ve added six new sites to the blogroll: Alma saudavel Joyful Idealist Forgotten Voices Lessons of a Dad Herald Sun Faith Works The Sweeney Family Check out these sites.
It has been some time and many of these folks have waited a long time, but please welcome the following new members to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: The Rabid Moderate T.R.U.T.H. in Ministry Reflections Moral Science Club The Paranormal Pastor Personal Finance Nut Reason for the Hope Parables of a Prodigal World If you have…
I just added three months worth of submissions to the blogroll. No, I’m not going to list all the links. I’ll try to keep up, but this is a fairly daunting task. Currently the roll includes 198 entries. I do want to get to linking to specific content from the blogs via this site ……
I have updated the look and feel of the aggregator site so that it no longer appears to be part of my site. I hope in the near future to put more links and other information useful to moderate Christians such as we find in this blogroll/aggregator. Any ideas would be welcome.
I’m still horribly behind on doing good works with regard to the Moderate Christian Aggregator and Blogroll, but today I finally added the most recent eight members. They are: Bible Money Matters Serving Bread Early Morning Inspiration Wayne’s Bible Study Shuck and Jive Unmasking the Goddess C.Orthodoxy New Epistles