Welcome New Members
I have added three new sites to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Echo of Hope Smore for Women I will not be Afraid Please welcome them!
I have added three new sites to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Echo of Hope Smore for Women I will not be Afraid Please welcome them!
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
It has been some time and many of these folks have waited a long time, but please welcome the following new members to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: The Rabid Moderate T.R.U.T.H. in Ministry Reflections Moral Science Club The Paranormal Pastor Personal Finance Nut Reason for the Hope Parables of a Prodigal World If you have…
I have revived and completed some software I originally started when I created the Moderate Christian Blogroll, and thus have new and improved options for displaying the blogroll, including a site list via RSS that will display properly in WordPress.com sidebars. You will have noticed (I hope), the posts about problems with the current feed….
Just so nobody thinks I died or decided this wasn’t important, some calls have kept me from completing the work, and I also found that there was some cleaning up to do on the blogroll. I will have that done soon, and will then add all the new members. I believe the new RSS feed…
Due to an emergency call from a client that took several hours out of my day, I did not complete the new RSS feed fix, but I did find out what needed to be done and how it could be done. With any luck I will manage to complete it by the end of the…
The combined RSS feed is not correctly including blogs on Blogger or Blogspot. If your blog is missing from the most recent posts, that is the most likely reason. If you’re not on one of those services and you aren’t showing up, let me know. The best way to check is to look at the…
We’ve added a new blogroll member, Faith from 9 to 5, by Winnie Anderson. I would simply call attention to her latest post, Is Courtesy Dead?. Please welcome her to the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
This site’s link is now evanrummel.com, and the RSS feed is now http://feeds.feedburner.com/evanrummel/LwGV.
I’m still horribly behind on doing good works with regard to the Moderate Christian Aggregator and Blogroll, but today I finally added the most recent eight members. They are: Bible Money Matters Serving Bread Early Morning Inspiration Wayne’s Bible Study Shuck and Jive Unmasking the Goddess C.Orthodoxy New Epistles