Navigating Scriptural Interpretation: The Need for a Moderate/Liberal Hermeneutic

Navigating Scriptural Interpretation: The Need for a Moderate/Liberal Hermeneutic

The Challenge of Communicating Liberal Hermeneutics It is often difficult to discuss scriptural issues in modern debates due to the lack of clearly articulated liberal hermeneutics. It’s not that a liberal hermeneutic doesn’t exist, but rather that it’s poorly communicated to laypeople. Moderates have developed approaches they use with varying degrees of success, but these…

Moderate Thinking

Moderate Thinking

This post was originally published on Threads from Henry’s Web in 2006. I have edited and annotated it for this site. When I use the label “passionate moderate” for myself, I often get questions about just what that means. One very reasonable question is how I can combine the words “moderate” and “passionate,” as in…

Blogroll Update

I just added three months worth of submissions to the blogroll. No, I’m not going to list all the links. I’ll try to keep up, but this is a fairly daunting task. Currently the roll includes 198 entries. I do want to get to linking to specific content from the blogs via this site ……

Blogroll Updated

After a considerable period of time, I have brought the blogroll up to date with all submissions thus far. If you don’t find your site in the blogroll and you submitted it, comment on this post and I’ll look into it. To check for your site in the roll, follow this link.