Quote on Translating
Eddie at Kouya Chronicles quotes Tom Wright. Hilarious, true, great!
Eddie at Kouya Chronicles quotes Tom Wright. Hilarious, true, great!
On the new Moderate Christian Topics Page, I now include tags for Business, Education, and Photography. These tags come via my Google Reader, so you can also click through the “Read More” link in the bottom right hand corner of the widget and get an RSS feed link if you want to follow only one…
I’ve been looking for a way to make the blogroll more valuable for some time. Considering how far behind I get on the little bit of administrative work I have to do now, whatever idea I found couldn’t take much time. I found it! I have added a new topics page, which uses the tagging…
First, apparently Blogrolling has been having troubles for some time so that rolls cannot be updated. They expect to have this fixed soon. I didn’t notice because I was so far behind in updating the roll. Second, I have just updated the roll with submissions going all the way back to October last year, so…
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
Finally! After nearly two months, another “four posts” post. I hope to be more regular as I’m using my Google Reader more effectively. What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on…
I have added a number of new blogs to the roll. If you have e-mailed me or filled out the form and have not been added, there are two possible reasons: I didn’t get the e-mail or somehow missed/deleted it Your blog did not appear to meet the standards. It’s easy for me to miss…
The RSS feed for posts was down overnight due to a stupid error I made in coding an upgrade. It’s fixed now. The upgrade will allow me to exclude feeds individually from either the blogroll or the aggregator at your request. Right now nobody is excluded, and I don’t plan to exclude anyone unless they…
I have added three new sites to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Echo of Hope Smore for Women I will not be Afraid Please welcome them!
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…