Reactions to the Tiller Murder

I saw a number of reactions to the murder of George Tiller on the Moderate Christian Blogroll today and decided that a links post would be in order.  I won’t comment on the contents of each, except to say that they each strike a different tone.

  1. A question from Rick at Concept 53
  2. Are We Back to Assassinating Abortion Doctors? from Levellers.
  3. Dr. George Tiller murdered in church from it seems to me …
  4. Abortionist Tiller killed while volunteering at church, from Moral Science Club

Hmmm … even the titles give you a range of reactions.

I didn’t intend this as a “4 posts” post, but that’s how it turned out.  Feel free to add any more reactions from the Moderate Christian Blogroll in the comments section.  I’ll be tagging these under “Ethics and Values” for the aggregator’s topical links page.

4 Posts on the U. S. Election

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

I’m having to look a ways back to get a balance.  I wanted two that would be more or less pro-Republican and two that would be more or less pro-Democratic, but I had some difficulty finding them all.

Levellers – Obama’s Chances of Victory Increase

Dr. Michael Westmoreland-White discusses why he believes Obama should win and will.

if i were a bell i’d ring – To Go Negative or Not to Go Negative…

Joel Gillespie – It’s Time to Fish or Cut Bait

Joel thinks we need to get real.  He also liked John McCain’s idea of suspending the campaign.  (OK, so I gave him an extra link, but it helps balance this post!)

Moral Science Club – Two important articles on Feminism, Hanson and Paglia

On the other hand, is this the actual Democratic position on abortion?

4 Posts on Tithing

Finally!  After nearly two months, another “four posts” post.  I hope to be more regular as I’m using my Google Reader more effectively.

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

Christian Personal Finance – Tithing in the New Testament

. . . in which he presents answers to a number of major questions about Christians and tithing.

Wayne’s Bible Study – Many U. S. Christians pay tithe before mortgage even in crisis

. . . points us to a news story about Christians continuing to tithe even when defaulting on their mortgages.

One Thing I Know – The Church as Prostitute

Could preaching tithing be one element in a wrong focus for your church?

Everyday Liturgy – 10 Everyday Spiritual Resolutions

Tturner presents tithing as one of 10 spiritual resolutions.

Note that not all of these posts are entirely about tithing, but I think they each present something to consider.

4 Posts on Evangelism v. 0.8.0

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

Before anybody asks, yes, I’m posting this on Sunday morning.  I get up substantially before time for church and often read blogs.  This morning as I was reading I noticed quite a number of posts on evangelism, and I’m going to post some of them here.

parables of a prodigal world – The Greatest Evangelism Tool Ever

I’ll leave you to go to the post to view this interesting YouTube video.

Adventures in Revland -Matthew 9:35-10:8 – Sermon – God Has Faith in Us

Rev J. offers us an interesting challenge to an evangelism committee.  It’s worth considering!

Kouya Chronicle – Mission in the 21st Century: 1. Introduction

Eddie gets off to a good start on discussing mission and evangelism.  He has posted the second part as well.

Levellers – My Peace I Leave Unto You

Michael Westmoreland-White is not precisely writing about evangelism, but in writing about being a peacemaker, he does precisely that.

Remember again to e-mail me with posts and topics you would like to see included in one of these short roundups.  Otherwise you’re stuck with the stuff I particularly noticed, which may not be representative.

4 Posts on Faith (v. 0.7.0)

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

Today’s topic is rather broad and I have tried to select some posts that go to the edges of it, so they may not all feel all that closely related.

Whispers from God’s Spirit

A Promise for Safety from God is a poem based on Psalm 91.

Pen of the Wayfarer

On God’s faithfulness and our response, A Man’s Calling.

Christian Personal Finance

The title says it:  How to Get What You Want.

Kouya Chronicle

And again, the title says it: Urgently Required:  A Theology of Suffering

Important Note

I notice that I have cited the same blogs multiple times while I still haven’t featured a post from every blog on the list.  This will be inevitable as I read my bloglines account and clip the things that I think might work or that interest me for various projects.

To remedy this situation, e-mail me with your post (or one that interested you) and the suggested topic, and I will work on linking to it.  Even better, list three other posts that go with yours, and I can just grab them as a group.

4 Posts on Photography

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

These posts all display some good (in my opinion, of course!) photography.  These require little comment, and that’s what they’ll get!

Heaven’s Highway, God’s Fireworks Display

God’s Fireworks Display

Joel Gillespie

I Was Enjoying My Nap

Pen of the Wayfarer

For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served . . .

Quiet Paths

Wild Iris on Second Beach

Supplemental Posts on Todd Bentley and Lakeland

When I posted 4 Posts on Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival, I noted that all the posts were positive or neutral and I promised to post some additional links if negative posts turned up on the Moderate Christian Blogroll.

So herewith some links to posts that are considerably more negative:

The following two are from Dave Warnock’s blog, 42.
Reflecting on cancer healing – Todd Bentley style

Todd Bentley Links

One might think this post had nothing to do with the revival, but the author tagged it as such, and I think it is relevant:  A Grand View of God, from The Pen of the Wayfarer.

4 Post on Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival (v. 0.6)

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

Note: I started this post before really checking, and it turns out there has been less interest in this on the blogroll than I thought. Thus I will have to complete the four with a post that I wrote and one from a group blog to which I’m a major contributor, though written by someone else. I note with interest that I see no outright hostile posts on this topic from the blogroll.

1: Gentle Wisdom – Numerous Posts on the Revival

Peter Kirk has been the most prolific member of the blogroll on this topic. I’m going to link to just one post, A Theological Defense, and let you follow links from there.

2: Kouya Chronicle – What is Success?

Eddie Arthur (I think–it might have been Sue!), asks just how one would measure success in the church. He is not hostile to the revival, but he thinks we need to look at things other than the media image and spectacular things in measuring success.

3: Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter – Todd Bentley’s Angel in Lakeland

Hannah May, an occasional contributor to the Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter contributed Todd Bentley’s Angel in Lakeland.

4: Threads from Henry’s Web – Lakeland Revival Notes

I present my own post Lakeland Revival Notes, because it contains a copy of an e-mail I received from Rev. Perry Dalton who has actually been to Lakeland. Eyewitness reports are quite valuable.

Since all of these vary from neutral to positive, I will note that if anyone has written or does write something negative, I’ll be happy to include links to it for balance. My own view is cautiously positive, so I must be careful not to bias these “four posts” entries.

4 Posts on Politics

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

1: Levellers – National Summit on Torture

In what could as easily be included under the categories of ethics or morality in general, Michael L. Westmoreland-White informs us of a National Summit on Torture. This provides an opportunity not only to talk, but to act.

2: Sub Ratione Dei –

In Hegemony or Survival Sub Ratione Dei looks at Noam Chomsky’s book Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance, which he says ” . . . raise[es] important issues regarding foreign policy and also global survival.”

3: Gentle Wisdom – Cutting out the nonsense about petrol (gas) prices

Proving that the moderate Christian blogroll is not just a U. S. operation, I bring you Cutting out the nonsense about petrol (gas) prices, in which Peter Kirk explains some basic economics and its application to gas (petrol) prices. There are some advantages to these high prices after all.

4: Quiet Paths – Freedom Via OSI

Christine, responding to the poetry prompt, is thinking about freedom and gives us both a poetry and prose version.

4 Posts on Prayer (v. 0.4)

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

It was a bit harder to find the right set of posts to include today, so I hope I did justice to everyone’s postings. Let me remind everyone that you can email me with suggested posts and topics.

1: Everyday Liturgy – Praying Throughout the Day

Thomas brings us Praying Throughout the Day, which is a very short post, but one that brings up a very important thing about prayer–when, where, how often, and what are all questions that are wrapped up in this brief one.

2: Whispers from God’s Spirit – Have You Told God Your Secret Joys?

This is a rapid repeat appearance for a single blog, but the post is too good to miss if one is talking about prayer, so here is Have You Told God Your Secret Joys? from April Lorier at Whispers.

Well, have you?

3: St. Paul’s Collegiate Church – One Prayer

St. Paul’s Collegiate Church is joining in One Prayer. This sounds like an interesting idea.

4: Wayne Brown – Pilots land on a wing and a prayer

Wayne passes on a story about how Pilots land on a wing and a prayer.

I haven’t decided on my next topic yet. Note that I’ll be traveling for the next week, but I do expect to blog. I just don’t know how regularly.