Welcome Crossinator
Crossinator has just joined the blogroll. I’d like to call attention to his recent post Incarnational Living just as a sample.
Crossinator has just joined the blogroll. I’d like to call attention to his recent post Incarnational Living just as a sample.
There is a bit of a discussion going on over on my Threads blog about just who belongs on this blogroll. I invite comment. I maintain this blogroll as a service, and it should serve the community. There’s no way to get formal votes, but I welcome discussion, either publicly in comments or in e-mail…
It appears that the blogrolling RSS code now requires Javascript, and so will not work on wordpress.com blogs. You can still subscribe to the most recent posts RSS feed. The feed URL for the most recent posts is http://www.energionpubs.com/wordpress/?bdprssfeed=1 If I remember correctly I set this up for the most recent 50 posts, so you…
Please welcome Three Sticks and Come to the Waters to the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
While there are no requirements for sites to be included in the aggregator, to be listed in the blogroll you are asked to do one of several things: Post the blogroll on a page on your site or on one of your sidebars. (Information here. This option simply provides a full list of participants. Depending…
I’ve just added Getting There to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator. He comes to us from Australia. Please welcome him.
I have just added Bible study by a student to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and aggregator at his request. I haven’t had time to do much looking around his site, but there are a number of interesting titles.
Please welcome Soul Nuggets to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. He blogs from South Africa.
For any of those who are working on their ranking for the TTLB ecosystem, I’ve added this blog to the ecosystem so y’all will get another link to your credit.
Please welcome One Thing I Know to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. I’m kind of rushing today, but I’ll get around to highlighting a post or two from there in the next couple of days.