Add to TTLB Ecosystem
For any of those who are working on their ranking for the TTLB ecosystem, I’ve added this blog to the ecosystem so y’all will get another link to your credit.
We’ve added a new blogroll member, Faith from 9 to 5, by Winnie Anderson. I would simply call attention to her latest post, Is Courtesy Dead?. Please welcome her to the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
You can read about the Christian Carnival this week here. Two ideas: Participate in the carnival, publicize your blog and your best writing, and become acquainted with how it works When you’re comfortable, volunteer to host.
The RSS feed for posts was down overnight due to a stupid error I made in coding an upgrade. It’s fixed now. The upgrade will allow me to exclude feeds individually from either the blogroll or the aggregator at your request. Right now nobody is excluded, and I don’t plan to exclude anyone unless they…
I’ve just added Getting There to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator. He comes to us from Australia. Please welcome him.
They are:, from which I highlight his post The Subversive Blogger Awards. Sub Ratione Dei, from which I highlight “A ‘Backward’ People have Pointed the Way Forward” Compassion in Politics, who has a number of interesting posts on blogging as well as other topics. Nonetheless, I can’t resist highlighting Everybody Needs a Little LOLCat…
This site’s link is now, and the RSS feed is now