
4 Posts on Faith (v. 0.7.0)

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail pubs@energion.com and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

Today’s topic is rather broad and I have tried to select some posts that go to the edges of it, so they may not all feel all that closely related.

Whispers from God’s Spirit

A Promise for Safety from God is a poem based on Psalm 91.

Pen of the Wayfarer

On God’s faithfulness and our response, A Man’s Calling.

Christian Personal Finance

The title says it:  How to Get What You Want.

Kouya Chronicle

And again, the title says it: Urgently Required:  A Theology of Suffering

Important Note

I notice that I have cited the same blogs multiple times while I still haven’t featured a post from every blog on the list.  This will be inevitable as I read my bloglines account and clip the things that I think might work or that interest me for various projects.

To remedy this situation, e-mail me with your post (or one that interested you) and the suggested topic, and I will work on linking to it.  Even better, list three other posts that go with yours, and I can just grab them as a group.

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