Welcome New Member – The Ultimate Goal
Please welcome The Ultimate Goal to the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
His most recent post is Life Verses, discussing what life verses are, and how to find them.
Please welcome The Ultimate Goal to the Moderate Christian Blogroll.
His most recent post is Life Verses, discussing what life verses are, and how to find them.
When I added Dan Schweissing’s blog Doing Theology from the Caribbean to the blogroll, I forgot to enter a welcome message. So welcome him already! In the meantime, Michael Westmoreland-White over at Levellers, also a Moderate Christian Blogroll member is doing a series of interviews with Peace Bloggers, and has just completed one on, you…
I have added three new sites to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Echo of Hope Smore for Women I will not be Afraid Please welcome them!
It has been some time and many of these folks have waited a long time, but please welcome the following new members to the Moderate Christian Blogroll: The Rabid Moderate T.R.U.T.H. in Ministry Reflections Moral Science Club The Paranormal Pastor Personal Finance Nut Reason for the Hope Parables of a Prodigal World If you have…
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
Defining the Moderate Christian Blogroll is somewhat subjective, and I have normally allowed self-identification to provide the main clue. An individual who was a member of the blogroll for a very short time, and then was removed at his own request is complaining about it. Anyone on the current blogroll can discover who this is…
The RSS feed for posts was down overnight due to a stupid error I made in coding an upgrade. It’s fixed now. The upgrade will allow me to exclude feeds individually from either the blogroll or the aggregator at your request. Right now nobody is excluded, and I don’t plan to exclude anyone unless they…