4 Posts on Evangelism v. 0.8.0

What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you have written e-mail pubs@energion.com and suggest your post and a general topic heading. Your blog must be a member of the Moderate Christian blogroll, and in general I prefer to include posts within the last week only.

Before anybody asks, yes, I’m posting this on Sunday morning.  I get up substantially before time for church and often read blogs.  This morning as I was reading I noticed quite a number of posts on evangelism, and I’m going to post some of them here.

parables of a prodigal world – The Greatest Evangelism Tool Ever

I’ll leave you to go to the post to view this interesting YouTube video.

Adventures in Revland -Matthew 9:35-10:8 – Sermon – God Has Faith in Us

Rev J. offers us an interesting challenge to an evangelism committee.  It’s worth considering!

Kouya Chronicle – Mission in the 21st Century: 1. Introduction

Eddie gets off to a good start on discussing mission and evangelism.  He has posted the second part as well.

Levellers – My Peace I Leave Unto You

Michael Westmoreland-White is not precisely writing about evangelism, but in writing about being a peacemaker, he does precisely that.

Remember again to e-mail me with posts and topics you would like to see included in one of these short roundups.  Otherwise you’re stuck with the stuff I particularly noticed, which may not be representative.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for link! Actually, I DO think of CHRISTIAN peacemaking as evangelism because it is part of the gospel. In the Great Commission, Jesus told the apostles (and all others after them) to make disciples from all nations, baptizing them and “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Well, what did Jesus command or teach? In Matthew (and the Great Commission is in Matt. 28) there are 4 main blocks of teaching. The first and largest block is Matt. 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount, which not only contains the blessing on peacemakers (none for warmakers), but the command to love enemies and the practices for making peace–even interrupting worship/sacrifice to do so. So, CHRISTIAN peacemaking is not separate from evangelism, but rather part of the very evangel (gospel) that we preach. Making disciples without teaching them the way of peace is failing to evangelize properly.

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