Please Welcome Getting There
I’ve just added Getting There to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator. He comes to us from Australia. Please welcome him.
I’ve just added Getting There to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator. He comes to us from Australia. Please welcome him.
… thus putting me even further behind. I truly am trying to highlight some posts here from the various new blogs, but I haven’t been keeping up. In the meantime, here they are: Living with “God Vision” if i were a bell, i’d ring Seeking After Adventures in Revland Let me add a reminder that…
Please welcome St. Paul’s Collegiate Church to the blogroll. I usually recommend a recent post to help one get acquainted with new blogs, but in this case I would simply suggest pursuing the mission statement, history, and ministry of the church. I wish I lived nearby–I’d visit!
Please welcome The Ultimate Goal to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. His most recent post is Life Verses, discussing what life verses are, and how to find them.
On the new Moderate Christian Topics Page, I now include tags for Business, Education, and Photography. These tags come via my Google Reader, so you can also click through the “Read More” link in the bottom right hand corner of the widget and get an RSS feed link if you want to follow only one…
Members of the Moderate Christian Blogroll are asked to use one of the options available for displaying the blogroll. These include the RSS feed, any one of the blogrolling codes (see here) or putting at least 5 members into your blogroll manually. The second option, using blogrolling, doesn’t work for blogs who can’t use…
I have just added Bible study by a student to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and aggregator at his request. I haven’t had time to do much looking around his site, but there are a number of interesting titles.