Welcome New Members
I have added three new sites to the Moderate Christian Blogroll:
Please welcome them!
I have added three new sites to the Moderate Christian Blogroll:
Please welcome them!
One topic that seems to get Christians stirred up is the atonement and how we understand it. Coops started a series, and here’s what he’s done so far: Exploring Atonement The Atonement Does God’s Law Make Sense? Is Atonement Really a Contradiction of Justice Commenting is variable, but is getting going. Why don’t you check…
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
It appears that the blogrolling RSS code now requires Javascript, and so will not work on wordpress.com blogs. You can still subscribe to the most recent posts RSS feed. The feed URL for the most recent posts is http://www.energionpubs.com/wordpress/?bdprssfeed=1 If I remember correctly I set this up for the most recent 50 posts, so you…
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
I’m still horribly behind on doing good works with regard to the Moderate Christian Aggregator and Blogroll, but today I finally added the most recent eight members. They are: Bible Money Matters Serving Bread Early Morning Inspiration Wayne’s Bible Study Shuck and Jive Unmasking the Goddess C.Orthodoxy New Epistles