Welcome Crossinator
Crossinator has just joined the blogroll. I’d like to call attention to his recent post Incarnational Living just as a sample.
Crossinator has just joined the blogroll. I’d like to call attention to his recent post Incarnational Living just as a sample.
I’ve just added Getting There to the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator. He comes to us from Australia. Please welcome him.
I’m still horribly behind on doing good works with regard to the Moderate Christian Aggregator and Blogroll, but today I finally added the most recent eight members. They are: Bible Money Matters Serving Bread Early Morning Inspiration Wayne’s Bible Study Shuck and Jive Unmasking the Goddess C.Orthodoxy New Epistles
When I added Dan Schweissing’s blog Doing Theology from the Caribbean to the blogroll, I forgot to enter a welcome message. So welcome him already! In the meantime, Michael Westmoreland-White over at Levellers, also a Moderate Christian Blogroll member is doing a series of interviews with Peace Bloggers, and has just completed one on, you…
What are these 4 Posts entries? As many days of the week as I have time I look through the RSS feed for the Moderate Christian Blogroll/Aggregator and select four posts on a single topic. Usually the topic is suggested because a post has caught my eye. To call my attention to a post you…
Please welcome St. Paul’s Collegiate Church to the blogroll. I usually recommend a recent post to help one get acquainted with new blogs, but in this case I would simply suggest pursuing the mission statement, history, and ministry of the church. I wish I lived nearby–I’d visit!
I now have an aggregator page that shows summaries for the last 50 posts from the roll sorted from most recent back. That is the page that now comes up in the index at the aggregator. Since I think there is value in the old system–one or five posts per blog selected by the user–I…