Add to TTLB Ecosystem
For any of those who are working on their ranking for the TTLB ecosystem, I’ve added this blog to the ecosystem so y’all will get another link to your credit.
I have revived and completed some software I originally started when I created the Moderate Christian Blogroll, and thus have new and improved options for displaying the blogroll, including a site list via RSS that will display properly in sidebars. You will have noticed (I hope), the posts about problems with the current feed….
Please welcome St. Paul’s Collegiate Church to the blogroll. I usually recommend a recent post to help one get acquainted with new blogs, but in this case I would simply suggest pursuing the mission statement, history, and ministry of the church. I wish I lived nearby–I’d visit!
I’m still horribly behind on doing good works with regard to the Moderate Christian Aggregator and Blogroll, but today I finally added the most recent eight members. They are: Bible Money Matters Serving Bread Early Morning Inspiration Wayne’s Bible Study Shuck and Jive Unmasking the Goddess C.Orthodoxy New Epistles
Please welcome The Letterkenyan to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. Hopefully I will find time soon to highlight some posts from this blog.
While there are no requirements for sites to be included in the aggregator, to be listed in the blogroll you are asked to do one of several things: Post the blogroll on a page on your site or on one of your sidebars. (Information here. This option simply provides a full list of participants. Depending…
Just so nobody thinks I died or decided this wasn’t important, some calls have kept me from completing the work, and I also found that there was some cleaning up to do on the blogroll. I will have that done soon, and will then add all the new members. I believe the new RSS feed…