Member Update, Living with God Vision
This site’s link is now, and the RSS feed is now
This site’s link is now, and the RSS feed is now
I’ve been looking for a way to make the blogroll more valuable for some time. Considering how far behind I get on the little bit of administrative work I have to do now, whatever idea I found couldn’t take much time. I found it! I have added a new topics page, which uses the tagging…
I have added a number of new blogs to the roll. If you have e-mailed me or filled out the form and have not been added, there are two possible reasons: I didn’t get the e-mail or somehow missed/deleted it Your blog did not appear to meet the standards. It’s easy for me to miss…
There is a bit of a discussion going on over on my Threads blog about just who belongs on this blogroll. I invite comment. I maintain this blogroll as a service, and it should serve the community. There’s no way to get formal votes, but I welcome discussion, either publicly in comments or in e-mail…
Please welcome The Ultimate Goal to the Moderate Christian Blogroll. His most recent post is Life Verses, discussing what life verses are, and how to find them.
I have updated the look and feel of the aggregator site so that it no longer appears to be part of my site. I hope in the near future to put more links and other information useful to moderate Christians such as we find in this blogroll/aggregator. Any ideas would be welcome.
Recent appearances to the contrary, the Moderate Christian Blogroll and Aggregator are still active. I have been extremely busy with my business at Energion Publications, and so have gotten behind. I’m in the process of updating the backlog of new members and also deleting some inactive blogs. I’m about 1/3 of the way through that…